The Motil algorithm

Tailoring ED treatment with the LSTC-ED® technique: suggested number of shockwaves

This algorithm is the first of its kind and suggests the optimal number of shockwaves (and therefore energy dose) to be applied to the erectile tissue during a single session to successfully treat erectile dysfunction with low intensity focused shockwaves.

The algorithm was created under the responsibility of Dr Igor Motil / Brno based on his extensive experience and studies on this type of treatment. The aim was to improve treatment outcomes by tailoring the treatment to each individual patient. The algorithm takes into account important factors that may influence treatment outcomes, such as the patient’s initial IIEF-5 score and comorbidities. However, it should be emphasised that medical science is still evolving and Dr Motil reserves the right to make changes in the future.

This LSTC-ED algorithm is for use only with Richard Wolf / ELvation PiezoWave² shockwave systems in conjunction with the FBL10x5G2 linear therapy source. We do not recommend using this algorithm with other devices that have very different shockwave shapes, shockwave generation and applied energy.

Treatment protocol for Erectile Dysfunction according to previous experience:

Depth of penetration
approx. 10 – 15 mm


6-8 Hz

Total number of sessions
4 to 6 over a period of 14 to 30 days.

Interval between sessions
weekly or an interval of at least 3 days

Calculate recommended number of shockwaves:

IIEF5 score
ED duration
BMI over 25

Treatment protocol for Peyronies Disease according to previous experience:

Depth of penetration
depending on the findings, usually 5 to 10 mm

8 Hz

Treatment intensity
– Biofeedback
– Start treatment with low intensity
– For pain-sensitive patients: Set intensity pre-selection values

Total number of pulses
approx. 3000

Treatment frequency

Treatment frequency
6 to 8 sessions in total

Treatment protocol for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome according to previous experience:

Depth of penetration
usually 20 to 100 mm depending on findings

8 Hz

– Biofeedback
– Start treatment with low intensity
– For pain-sensitive patients: Set intensity preselection values < 1
– Total energy flux density: 0.058 – 0.153 mJ/mm²

Total number of pulses
approx. 8000

Treatment frequency

Treatment frequency
3 to 5 sessions in total

Treatment protocol for induratio penis plastica according to previous experience:

Depth of penetration
depending on the findings, usually 5 to 10 mm

8 Hz

Treatment intensity
– Biofeedback
– Start treatment with low intensity
– For pain-sensitive patients: Set intensity pre-selection values

Total number of pulses
approx. 3000

Treatment frequency

Treatment frequency
6 to 8 sessions in total

Treatment protocol for chronic pelvic pain syndrome according to previous experience:

Depth of penetration
usually 20 to 100 mm depending on findings

8 Hz

– Biofeedback
– Start treatment with low intensity
– For pain-sensitive patients: Set intensity preselection values < 1
– Total energy flux density: 0.058 – 0.153 mJ/mm²

Total number of pulses
approx. 8000

Treatment frequency

Treatment frequency
3 to 5 sessions in total

A project of ELvation Medical GmbH.
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